Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hearty Chicken Soup

Tonight we tried “Hearty Chicken Soup” from the Lancaster Family Recipe book.

4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
2 – 10 oz cans of Campbell’s Chick Veggie Soup
1 – 15 oz. can diced tomatoes, unsalted
1 – 15 oz. can whole kernel corn, drained
1 ½ cups chicken broth (saved when cooking the chicken)
1 -15 oz. can reg. Ranch Style Beans

Remove fat from chicken, wash. Boil 1 Hour in 1 ½ cups unsalted water (undiluted soup is salty). Remove from broth and cool. Cut Chicken into small chunks. Mix all together, simmer 30 minutes or in crock pot on low for 3-4 hours.

You can add a can of green beans, lima beans or sweet peas if you like.

Although this takes a long time to cook, you really don’t have to do anything but throw everything together in a pot. I love these kind of recipes!  Family Verdict:

Zach: Very Good and filling!
JT: I LOVE it!

I didn’t follow the recipe exactly. After I put everything in together I thought it looked like it needed some more to fill these growing boys.

So I added a bag of veggies I got a while back on sale from Kroger. It made it thicker, plus JT LOVES broccoli. 

I served the soup with some crackers and we were good to go! I will make this again! Yum!

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